Renting a Plot

Whetstone Stray is a very popular site and has a long waiting list for plots.  Our rent year runs from October, although some plots may become available throughout the year, the majority fall vacant at the beginning of November, when we know which plotholders are not going to renew their tenancies. We also have a few hard-to-let plots which have been out of use for many years and require a lot of work, and which we are keen to bring back into use with the right tenants.

If you are interested in applying for a plot, please fill in this form, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Please also take a look at our Terms & Conditions.

FULL PLOTStandard Concession
Membership Subscription£7.50£7.50
HALF PLOTStandardConcession
Membership Subscription£7.50£7.50

Rents are paid in person by cash, credit/debit card, or cheque payable to Whetstone Stray Allottees Association.

*Concessions are offered at State Pension Age

There is a £10.00 deposit payable for the gate key.